Install yum in docker container
Install yum in docker container

install yum in docker container

Therefore, if I set the http_proxy properly, I should have the same yum behavior inside and outside container.

install yum in docker container

I brought up my container in host network mode, so I assume I should have the same network stack as my host in my container. & yum install -y openssh-server openssh-clients Then, in the later container where you want to install your own unique-to-each-container stuff, you write your Dockerfile as such: FROM my-image-with-python-installed ADD my-local-package. $docker run -rm -it -net=host rhel echo -e " \nname=CentOS-7 - Base - \nbaseurl=\$basearch/\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc//CentOS7-Base-centos.repo \ FROM ubuntu apt-get install python And then build this image as my-image-with-python-installed or whatever works. Now I am trying to do the same thing inside a docker container on my machine, but it doesn't seem to work. FROM centos:7 COPY / RUN yum install -y epel-release maven wget \ & yum clean all \ & yum install -y \ & yum install -y postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib \ & chown root /startUpScript. I have verified that on my host, after I set http_proxy environment variable, I can receive update from public yum repository.

install yum in docker container

I have to use proxy to connect to the internet. How to Install Docker with WSL 2 Backend on Windows. I have a machine that is on a semi-isolated network.

Install yum in docker container