Cool abbreviations for words
Cool abbreviations for words

You might hear this abbreviation in hospital-based TV shows, when the victim of an accident or a crime gives up the ghost before they reach ER. ‘Bottle’, of course, means a bottle of wine or spirits, and ‘booze’ is a slang term for alcohol.ĭOA – dead on arrival. BYOB stands for bring your own beer/bottle/booze.

cool abbreviations for words

English abbreviations and acronyms:īYOB – Don’t turn up to a party empty-handed when you’ve been told to BYOB, else the hosts and the other guests will be dry and unhappy indeed. Today we’re taking a look at 50 of the most useful English abbreviations and acronyms to help you navigate everything from official documents and friendly invitations to casual conversations in a nightclub.

cool abbreviations for words cool abbreviations for words

How well do you know your FAQs from your BPMs? Would you know when to RSVP? Don’t worry if these strings of letters seem baffling to you.

Cool abbreviations for words